Thursday, August 21, 2014

Are YOU Ready for School?

Most schools in Wisconsin begin on September 2nd, so teachers and administrators all over the state are scrambling right now to get last minute inservices prepared, classrooms ready for the students and open houses next week and bulletin boards up to welcome those students back.

I am a 4K-12 Library Media Specialist and I've got mixed feelings about going back.  Have you ever had one of those summers where it couldn't get much better than it was?  Well, that was this past summer for me. We did all sorts of fun family things, many of which I've blogged about, and I just really enjoyed being a mom this summer with no other commitments.  Sure, I taught summer school, but we were doing such fun things in my class that it really didn't feel like work at all.  I had a super group of students, so that really made my job a dream.

If you were to ask my boys if they're ready to go back, I think you'd find the same thing.  They're ready to get back to playing with their buddies, but they've had so much fun together over the summer swimming in the pool, catching toads, fishing and building sand structures in their pile that they haven't missed school at all.

I went in and worked in my library today and I had GRANDIOSE ideas about all I was going to get done, but that didn't happen.  I ran into colleagues I haven't seen since June and we had a bunch of catching up to do.  It was fun to hear what everyone did over their summers.  So while I didn't get a lot done in my room, I did have some really nice chats with friends and that's part of getting read for school, too.  I've still got over a week before the students come, so I'll get there, slowly, but surely.

So, I must ask...are YOU ready yet?

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